
How We Can Help

At The Happy Mondays Co, we believe that every person deserves to have a career that brings joy, alignment and reward.

That’s why we’re here to help you create career success on your terms.

See our services

Career Coaching

At a career crossroad? Look no further. Embark on a life-changing journey of self-discovery and career clarity with our career coaching. Understand what makes you shine and why. Connect and align with your aspirations, and define clear goals and actionable steps to achieve your very own Happy Mondays. Propel yourself towards a feasible, fulfilling, and successful professional journey.

Job Landing

Navigate the complexities of the job market with our comprehensive Job Searching Coaching. From honing your Unique Selling Proposition to enhancing your CV and LinkedIn presence, and mastering interview and negotiation techniques, we’re here to ensure you not only land your desired role but also secure the terms that match your worth.

Performance Coaching

Whether you’re aiming for a promotion or struggling with complex work dynamics, being overlooked, or setting boundaries, our Workplace Coaching is your ally. We equip you with strategies and tools to navigate organizational changes, manage professional relationships, communicate effectively, and excel in your role. Elevate your professional performance and ensure you’re equipped to meet and exceed your career objectives confidently.

Leadership Coaching

Elevate your ability to lead and inspire with our Leadership Coaching. Tailored for both emerging leaders finding their footing and seasoned executives polishing their skills, our coaching supports your unique path to effective leadership. Empowering you with personalised guidance and tools, our coaching helps you gain clarity, confidence, resilience, and improve overall performance.

Career Therapy

Embark on a transformative journey toward long-lasting positive change with our Career Therapy™. This unique blend of coaching, counselling, and psychotherapy is designed to help you break free from limiting patterns, uncover and address the roots of recurring professional challenges, and direct you towards fulfilment in your career. Gain a deeper understanding of the ‘why’ behind your actions and foster accountability for your future.

Wellbeing Coaching

Recognising the intricate balance between professional success and personal health, our Wellbeing Coaching concentrates on cultivating sustainable work habits and overall wellness. From setting healthy boundaries to managing stress and advocating for your needs, this journey is dedicated to enriching your work-life experience, ensuring you thrive in all aspects of life.

What Our Clients Say

Meet Our Founder & Chief Career Coach

Hi, I’m Sandra!

Your chief career coach and founder of The Happy Mondays co.

Like many of you who have found your way here, I had my own career journey to go through. I founded The Happy Mondays Co in 2016 after hitting a wall in my own career as a headhunter. I was burnt out, lacking support and unsure of how to get what I want within the parameters of the role that I was in.

I realised there were 3 core foundations that were missing:

  1. I was not doing purposeful work
  2. There was a major values misalignment
  3. My personal and professional goals were not supported

Through many years of refining and continual addition, The Happy Mondays Co Signature Framework was created. I’m so grateful I get to wake up every day and support you in creating your own Happy Mondays.

Whether you woke up one day wondering, “What’s next?” or if you’re heading back to work after a break, we’re here to support and challenge you on your journey.

If you find yourself where I was many years ago, I want to tell you that I see you and where you are at this fork in the road. You can create a career and life that’s aligned to what matters to you. It’s possible. It takes looking inward to change the outward.

Let’s do this together.


Our Approach

Our holistic approach offers well-rounded solutions built upon a diverse range of skills from career coaching and recruitment to branding, and strategy. Where relevant, we also bring complementary expertise in conflict resolution, organisational behaviour, DEI, counselling, somatics and mindfulness to our career coaching engagements.

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