
Who are we?

We are The Happy Mondays Co., your co-creators and catalysts for change.

We champion your potential, believing in you even as you learn to believe in yourself. We stand as beacons of possibility, realistically optimistic that every new Monday is full of choices and opportunities ahead.

We believe in the power of individuality, the strength of diversity, and the magic of self-actualization. We dare to co-create version of success that wouldn’t otherwise exist. We understand that challenges comes in diverse forms, shaped by the intricate tapestry of culture, society, and personal journeys.

In every person, we see a universe of potential waiting to be embraced. Our commitment is to guide you in aligning actions with inner values, turning every Monday into a testament of joy, alignment and reward. We are your active co-creators in supporting you to building your Happy Mondays.

We embrace the ripple effect – a belief that small steps can initiate waves of transformation. By empowering one, we ignite a ripple that transcends the individual, reaching families, communities, corporations, and echoing through the halls of society.

We are the sum of all our parts, a movement that champions the extraordinary within the ordinary, turning every week’s beginning into a celebration of possibilities.
Together, we are rewriting the narrative of Mondays.

See what’s possible.

Our Approach

Our holistic approach offers well-rounded solutions built upon a diverse range of skills from career coaching and recruitment to branding, and strategy. Where relevant, we also bring complementary expertise in conflict resolution, organisational behaviour, DEI, counselling, somatics and mindfulness to our career coaching engagements.

Foundation Of Our Success

our 4 pillars

Signature Methodology

We work one-to-one with you, offering personalised support to guide you through our proven, and holistic process. The Happy Mondays Co Signature Methodology is designed to clarify your career goals, optimise your performance, and amplify your confidence.

Our straightforward approach remains one-of-a-kind in the market. Though we’ll support and guide you through our programs, the best results are found with your action, paired with our accountability to create long-term, sustainable change.


Beyond acting as your sounding board, you can count on us to be what you need in each engagement, whether that’s a cheerleader, a source of candid feedback, or anything in between.

With you in the driver’s seat, we’ll co-pilot your journey, ensuring you receive tailored support and solutions to meet your specific situation, goals, and aspirations. Let’s do this together.

Market Knowledge

Our market knowledge is both deep (locally) and broad (globally). We’ve guided hundreds of individuals from multiple industries and functions to find their Happy Mondays. Since its launch, our program has seen remarkable success, with 95% of our clients either achieving their Happy Mondays or reporting they are on track to do so within just three months of completion.


Our “secret sauce”. Our growing, diverse, and highly engaged clientele is always happy to connect with and share their wealth of experience and advice with other Happy Mondays’ members. After all, what better support could there be than from those who know first-hand the importance of the journey you’re on?

Meet Our Founder & Chief Career Coach

Hi, I’m Sandra!

Your chief career coach and founder of The Happy Mondays co.

Like many of you who have found your way here, I had my own career journey to go through. I founded The Happy Mondays Co in 2016 after hitting a wall in my own career as a headhunter. I was burnt out, lacking support and unsure of how to get what I want within the parameters of the role that I was in.

I realised there were 3 core foundations that were missing:

  1. I was not doing purposeful work
  2. There was a major values misalignment
  3. My personal and professional goals were not supported

Through many years of refining and continual addition, The Happy Mondays Co Signature Framework was created. I’m so grateful I get to wake up every day and support you in creating your own Happy Mondays.

Whether you woke up one day wondering, “What’s next?” or if you’re heading back to work after a break, we’re here to support and challenge you on your journey.

If you find yourself where I was many years ago, I want to tell you that I see you and where you are at this fork in the road. You can create a career and life that’s aligned to what matters to you. It’s possible. It takes looking inward to change the outward.

Let’s do this together.


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