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Your Career Motivators Aren’t Fixed: How to Embrace Your Evolving Why

Group of People
September 25, 2024

Why do you work?

What motivates you to get up each morning and invest your time and energy into your career? The answers to these questions aren’t always simple, and they tend to shift as we grow and move through different stages of life. Understanding what drives you—whether it’s financial security, a sense of purpose, or opportunities for personal growth—is key to building a career that brings both success and long-term fulfilment.

In this guide, we’ll explore the differences between intrinsic and extrinsic career motivators, why it’s important to reflect on them, and how embracing your evolving career motivators can help you create a more aligned and satisfying career.


Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Career Motivators: What’s the Difference?

Let’s break it down:

  • Extrinsic Motivators: These are the external rewards such as salary, job titles, or recognition. Extrinsic motivators are particularly effective when financial stability or career advancement is a priority. They can provide a sense of achievement and security, which are vital for many people at different stages in their careers. In some cases, these external rewards are essential for meeting personal and professional goals, allowing you to gain stability or achieve certain milestones.

  • Intrinsic Motivators: These are the internal drivers that come from within—things like passion, purpose, and a desire for personal growth. Intrinsic motivators often stem from the satisfaction of doing work that resonates with your values or the joy of pursuing goals that are personally meaningful. They often lead to work that is tied to a larger sense of purpose.

Neither is inherently better than the other. Both extrinsic and intrinsic motivators can complement each other and shift in importance throughout your career. Recognising what’s driving you right now is key to finding balance and ensuring your career choices align with both your current needs and long-term goals.


Balancing Both Types of Career Motivators

To create a career that’s both fulfilling and sustainable, it’s crucial to acknowledge that extrinsic and intrinsic motivators are often interconnected:

  • Security and Stability: Extrinsic motivators—such as financial rewards—are crucial for providing a sense of security and meeting basic needs. In times of career transitions or uncertainty, these motivators can help anchor you, offering stability that enables you to pursue other personal or professional goals.

  • Growth and Satisfaction: Intrinsic motivators can add meaning and satisfaction to your work, but they are often best supported when extrinsic needs are met. For example, feeling financially secure can free you to explore projects that align with your values or passions.

Recognising the role each type of motivator plays allows you to balance external success with personal fulfilment, leading to a more well-rounded and satisfying career experience.

Career Motivator Puzzle


Why Understanding Your Career Motivators Is Important

Understanding your career motivators helps you:

  • Make Informed Decisions: Knowing what drives you helps you align your career choices with your immediate needs, whether they’re financial, personal, or professional.

  • Embrace Change: Motivations evolve over time, and recognising these shifts is essential for long-term satisfaction.

  • Find Balance: A career that balances both extrinsic rewards and intrinsic fulfilment is often the most sustainable and rewarding.


Embracing Change: Reflecting on Your Current Motivators

As your career progresses, it’s natural for your motivators to change. The key is to regularly reflect on your current needs and accept that your motivators will continue to evolve. 

Embracing this change allows you to make decisions that align with where you are now, without being tied to outdated definitions of success.

How to Reflect on Your Career Motivators

First, identify what’s driving your career decisions:

  1. What excites you about your current role?
    Is it the pay cheque, the title, or the actual tasks and mission of your work that bring you joy?

  2. Do you feel connected to a larger purpose in your work?
    Are you proud of the impact your work has on others, or are you seeking external validation?

  3. What does success look like to you?
    Does success mean reaching a specific income level or gaining recognition, or does it mean feeling aligned with your values and personal growth?

  4. What motivates you to get up for work each day?
    Are you driven by opportunities to learn and grow, or are you motivated by external recognition or financial incentives?

Then, reflect on the meaning of these motivators and what they mean for you:

  • Assess Your Current Priorities: Are external rewards like financial security crucial right now, or are you more focused on personal growth and purpose-driven work?

  • Acknowledge Evolution: Your definition of success changes as you grow. Embrace these shifts as signs of progress and give yourself permission to evolve.

  • Find Your Balance: It’s not about choosing between extrinsic or intrinsic motivators but finding a balance that aligns with your life right now.

By regularly reflecting on your motivators, you can ensure that your career decisions align with both your current needs and long-term goals.


Aligning Your Career with Your Current Needs

Understanding your career motivators is key to finding long-term fulfilment. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach, and your motivators will evolve as you do. By embracing these changes and reflecting on your current needs, you can create a career that feels both externally successful and internally rewarding.

If you’re feeling uncertain about what’s driving your career decisions, or if you’re ready to realign your work with your true self, we’re here to help. At The Happy Mondays Co., we offer personalised coaching to guide you toward a career that brings joy, alignment, and purpose.

Book a session with one of our coaches today and take the first step toward building a fulfilling career that evolves with you.

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